What’s the Next Big Thing? Or: I See A Tall Dark Carbon-Based Life Form in Your Future…


So, how big… is big?

One of the more popular (and never-ending) games in publishing, and the entertainment industry in general, is “What’s the next Big Thing?” It’s right up there with “What Should We Call Our Band?” Of course, predicting trends and/or reader/viewer tastes beyond what’s top-of-Google’s-mind at the moment is tantamount to tossing darts (actually, tipsy blind-folded racoons tossing darts). Still, it can be instructive, and mildly diverting, to see what’s floating around in the blogosphere and elsewhere in the cybervoid as we approach the post-Hunger Games summer. So, at the risk of being just a little self-serving (because, big shock, my fave genre wins…), here’s what I’ve turned up w/ a quick look around at items posted in the last 3 or 4 months. Check it out… and fire away with YOUR prognostications. What do you see lurking just below the horizon as the next ginormous, media-dominating, attention-gobbling category or genre of books/movies/whathaveya?

From Booklist & Michael Cart, Past president of the Young Adult Library Services Association and columnist for Booklist:

“I confess I’ve never been to the Bologna Book Fair, but word has it that it’s a hotbed of emerging trends, and this year’s fair seems to be no exception. The news on the Rialto is that interest in paranormal and dystopian fiction is waning and thrillers and science fiction are now poised on the brink of becoming the next big thing(s).”

From the popular game/movie site IGN:

“Going from Harry Potter to Twilight to Hunger Games, we’ve seen the trend shift from fantasy to science fiction. Maybe the next big thing is a franchise that delves even deeper into sci-fi territory.”

From “Teen Literature Update 2012”: an Infopeople webinar (hosted by Booklist’s Michael Cart): 

“…the word from a recent book fair is that science fiction is going to be the next big thing, along with thrillers. You heard it here first. Science fiction and thrillers will be the next big wave of young adult literature.”

According to the crystal ball-gazers in Hollywood:

“Studios gorge on young-adult fiction amid success of ‘Hunger Games’

“The back-to-back blockbuster successes of “Harry Potter,” “Twilight” and now “The Hunger Games” have turned the hunt for fresh young-adult fiction white-hot in Hollywood, as studios try to turn what used to be a phenomenon into what might be a formula….”

“Frenzied auctions are underway for books that haven’t even been published. Studios are paying as much as $1 million for the rights to adapt titles that are relatively modest sellers, particularly those featuring science-fiction, fantasy and dystopian themes.”

Librarians!  Now’s this is a wired-in group with their fingers firmly affixed to the pulse of who’s reading what… Here’s their take from The Hub, the literature blog for YALSA, the Young Adult Library Services Association.

Upcoming trends we see in YA lit

by Gretchen Kolderup

 “We here at The Hub read a lot of YA lit, which gives us a broad perspective on what’s come out recently and what trends in what’s published might be emerging. I asked our bloggers what they’ve been seeing recently; here’s what they had to say.”

 “I don’t know if the authors are aware of this, but my teen readers are constantly asking for science fiction, not dystopias.”

– Laura Perenic

“A trend I see coming, other than a glut of dark dystopian/whimsical dystopian novels (is that even a thing?) is straight-up, non-dystopian, space-ships-and-aliens science fiction for teens… I’m seeing more books actually set in space, and with the excitement building over the Ender’s Game movie (plus lots of other SF films coming up) I think (hope!) there will be more and more.”

– Julie Bartel

So, there ya have it. Is young adult sci fi the Next Big Deal? Is dystopian defunct? (on this point, see my earlier post linking to Elizabeth Bear’s dystopian dyscussion…). As far as YA SF being poised to conquer the planet, I think we can safely bet all our holocredits that it is…. (check back here now & then to see if all these obviously very bright people are right!)




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Internet, schminternet…. Books Shockingly NOT Dead.

How many times have you heard that the net has sucked every last drop of inky-black blood from the veins of our poor old novels and books and reading-by-short-attention-span-humans in general?


Well, turns out it just ain’t so. In fact, it way ain’t so. The chart that bears this out is in The Atlantic, a publication that I actually get delivered to my house – you won’t believe this, but it’s true – by a live person driving a combustion-engine vehicle who works for a vast government agency charged with putting words printed on paper into the hands of American citizens six days a week, all year round. Strange, but actual. I swear. Anyway, the chart is short & sweet and worth a glance just to cheer yourself up if, like me, you tend to fret about spaceship Earth and the brains of the big, keyboard-tapping apes    who’ ve stumbled, blinking, into the control room.




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Death and the maiden: The Book Thief

The Book Thief

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Publisher: Knopf      Year: 2007      Pages: 576

First off, this isn’t a review of Zusak’s marvelous book. It’s a query, of sorts. I suspect many of you out there have already taken the journey into the finely drawn world of this excellent, dark, funny, eccentric novel. I hope so, actually, because I’d like your opinion. While the story centers on young Liesel Memenger and her foster family life during WWII, the tale is narrated by Death, who is himself (itself?) presented as both matter-of-fact in carrying out his day job, but also somewhat wistful and oddly romantic (NOT Twilight romantic…more like Dexter romantic). And the events described can be, well, pretty damn adult. The query is, what makes this book Young Adult in your view, instead of solidly adult? Reviewers have wrestled with this question, and I’m wondering where you come down on the issue. So, if you’ve read The Book Thief, why is this Holocaust dramedy shelved alongside  Mockingjay and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter? Hmmmmm…?


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Ranch critters!


Gus the Glorious and Beau (this donkey had some set of pipes on him. You could hear him saying hello in the next county.)


Kat gets some face-time with lil’ Blitzen.

horses&house 007

Kriskat bellies up to the (milk) bar.

Lex Luthor – 10-foot American alligator. Is that a ticking alarm clock I hear…?


Punta the cat hangs out with questionable character….





B-Bear. Visited briefly, then moved to Florida. A perfect gentleman.

Mud-room possum. Everyone should have one.

Rocket J. (flying) Squirrel… gone, but not forgotten.

Maverick & the 1897 hay barn

Boris gives you his best studly look … (he’s a breeding boar. Very cushy life….)

Hmmmm…. feels like luggage….

Horse d’oeuvres are served. Heh.

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Harry Potter author to her lit agent: “Dude-amus begon-amus!”

The drama of J.K. Rowling’s decision to part ways with her long-time agent is covered (somewhat breathlessly…) by the UK’s Daily Mail.  But there’s  a buried gem inside the larger story: the tale of how Rowling’s initial HP manuscript submission had been tossed in the agency’s reject bin but an office manager’s attention was drawn to it because of its unusual binding. He (or she) pulled it out, showed his/her boss and a billion dollar’s worth of magic and adolescent sturm und drang was launched. Could be apocryphal, but I hope not… Basic article is at SFScope; get the gossipy details at the Daily Mail site.


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Home base….

So, for those with a love of old homes: the Schoon ranchito-house in her summer greenery.







Aerial (well, cherry-picker-assisted) shot, lookin’ east.


And the place post-snowfall. You can just about hear the sleigh-bells… canchya?

Farmhouse, winter

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you say exo, I say astro, let’s call the whole thing xeno…

Here’s some word-parsing (and worse…) re: the astro- exo- conundrum from a few different sites. Lots of overlap, I gotta say. But in the end, Cornell sorts it out for us.

From the Astrobiology Web site:


Astrobiology seeks to understand the origin of the building blocks of life, how these biogenic compounds combine to create life, how life affects – and is affected by the environment from which it arose, and finally, whether and how life expands beyond its planet of origin. None of these questions is by any means new – but for the first time since they were posed, these questions may now be answerable. Astrobiology seeks to provide a philosophical and programmatic underpinning whereby life’s place in the universe can be explored – at levels of inter-related complexity ranging from molecular to galactic.

From the NASA site:



The goal of NASA’s Exobiology program is to understand the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe. Research is focused on tracing the pathways taken by the biogenic elements, leading from the origin of the universe through the major epochs in the evolution of living systems and their precursors. These epochs are 1) The cosmic evolution of the biogenic compounds, 2) prebiotic evolution, 3) the early evolution of life, and 4) the evolution of advanced life.

And from the laughably useless wiki (even a quick read of their def of astrobiology reveals serious contradiction. No wonder people are confused….):


Astrobiology is the study of the originevolution, distribution, and future of extraterrestrial life. This interdisciplinary field encompasses the search for habitable environments in our Solar System and habitable planets outside our Solar System, the search for evidence of prebiotic chemistry, laboratory and field research into the origins and early evolution of life on Earth, and studies of the potential for life to adapt to challenges on Earth and in outer space. Astrobiology addresses the question of whether life exists beyond Earth, and how humans can detect it if it does.[2](The term exobiology is similar but more specific — it covers the search for life beyond Earth, and the effects of extraterrestrial environments on living things.)

And finally, from the thoughtful people at Cornell, the common sense answer – at least, the one I’m going with until someone gives me a good reason not to…


Exobiology, also called astrobiology, is the study of the origin, distribution, and ultimate fate of life in the Universe. There are several other places in the Solar System besides the Earth where it is reasonable to search for evidence of life.


Exobiology (or astrobiology) is the study of life in the Universe:

– Origin of Life.

– Distribution of Life.

– Ultimate Fate of Life.

Exobiology today is an extrapolation from the one known example (Earth life), using the basic principles of chemistry & physics.

A future post will deal definitively with the befuddling “sci fi, SF, science fiction” issue.



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Got a book-like-thing in ya? Let’s chat.



Sure. I wrote a book. Fine. Great. Then I took a couple years or so to sweet-talk, cajole, threaten and finally choke-hold the thing into the kind of shape an agent would actually take the time to look at, then another few months for him to put it in front of the right publisher – which would be the one who was perceptive enough to snap it up, of course. If you’re setting out on a similar journey, this might be a good time to get some stuff off your chest, metaphorically speaking. Maybe you’re in the planning/plotting stage: are you an outliner type or seat-of-the-pantser? Writing the dreaded query letter? Submitting your first partial? If you’re like me, you wanna know how this stuff works. You want details. And so do the other writers who drop by this place. So, what’s YOUR story/question/rant/precautionary tale?

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Come in, SF, and take a seat. We need to talk.


Multi-award-winning author Elizabeth Bear gives our favorite literary realm a much-needed talking to over at clarksworldmagazine.com about how science fiction has come to take itself much too seriously lately, its obsession with worlds Dark, Depressive and Generally Ill-Humored and what that’s doing to her relationship with the genre. Much writerly food for thought here for anyone with an interest in broadening the audience for SF. Plus… she’s pretty dang funny. What’s your take? Had enough of hollow-eyed guys in rags shuffling down the grey, post-calamity tarmac pushing their traumatized kid in a shopping cart? The Road was brilliant-scary, IMO. And, hey, the kid survives, more or less, in the end.  But do we need a little more optimism in the worlds that SF&F writers are building? Weigh in….


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Uber-Geekt: NPR flow-charts the top 100 SF & F books for ya

Well, this chart has been around for a while, but remains totally worth the time-suck it’ll do to your day. Link to it at the always-useful SF Signal, where they offer several versions, including the new, improved interactive variety. Hours of fun….


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