Pythons in the park.

Lucifer and the author get a little air. (Photo credit: Sarah Neighbors)

The guy with the baby bats nesting on his face? (as posted below). This is his Burmese python. Always friendly (the snake, that is.) And surprisingly heavy… He (the snake again) resides at the Witty Kitties Shelter near Solon, IA, a truly heroic refuge for felines with special medical needs and exotic reptiles. Lucifier was at the park to help attract some attention to a spay/neuter event hosted by Iowa Humane Alliance & the Coralville, IA Parks & Rec people. His presence had the desired result: much funding raised that day and many compliments re: what a handsome devil he is. Well done, Lucifer!


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Yo! Anybody home?

Artist’s imagining of Gliese 581d, an exoplanet 20 light-years from us. It’s in the constellation Libra. Image Credit: NASA

Astrobiology Magazine reports that the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) boffins pulled off a first – and can now report back that the six-planet (minimum) solar system around the star Gliese 581 isn’t pumping out large-scale radio signals in our direction. (Dang.) This was the first use of a long baseline telescope array – basically, just using several ‘scopes located some distance from each other — in such a narrowly targeted search of a specific system. By using the separate ‘scopes, the scientists get results as if they were gathering data with one, single gimongous ‘scope. Let’s them get more info for their ‘scoping bucks.


Anyway, the Gliese 581 story caught my eye because it’s one of the star systems supporting intelligent life in my books — Gliesians are short, squatty-but-endearing  amphibious-type little guys who tend to get work as ship’s stewards on the ginormous Indra-craft plying the spacelanes of the Local Systems Accord.The first book will be out in early 2013 and you’ll get the full scoop then.

While the recent scan of the system didn’t see any radio output, that doesn’t mean there’s no life on Gliese’s planets. It just means the locals aren’t using a 300-meter Arecibo-style radio telescope to broadcast with. Fainter signals, like Earth’s present TV and radio broadcasts for instance, wouldn’t have been picked up by the SETI scan. So,  the possibility of little froggish Gliesians sending out their steward’s uniforms to be dry-cleaned in preparation for their next tour of duty aboard the LSA Starliner Helen of Troy remains a perfectly legit scenario… in my universe.

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NASA mission gets scrubbed. Metaphorically.

…and here’s a quick follow up article to the post yesterday (see below “NASA astronauts implore the god Apollo…”) about some students who heeded the call & staged their own little car-cleansing event to help NASA avoid moving back into mom & dad’s house.

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NASA astronauts implore the god Apollo to save their funding….


Yup. It’s come to this: Today is the day for the National Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale    OK, so it’s just a PR stunt. But the fact is, NASA’s budget is under an even bigger threat than lots of other gov’t. agencies.  The link above has lots of useful contact info, etc., for telling the astro-poobahs “Hey, guys! Don’t space out!”  Worth a look.



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So, the explanation for this is….?

 Well, it’s just that I know this guy and he put this on his FB page and so I had to post it. Yeah. Those are bats. And what’s equally fascinating, he’s had weirder stuff crawling on him – intentionally. He likes animals THAT much (even tho he doesn’t look especially happy in this shot…)

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Excuse me, it’s for you. Long distance….

How will Earth respond when we receive our first message from an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization? We really don’t want to mess it up. Could be important. Fortunately, a guy with probably the coolest job description on the planet gets to think about precisely this all day long. That guy is  psychologist Douglas Vakoch, and he is… yes… Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute. (I KNEW I shoulda stuck with psych in college. Damn.)  Anyway, Mr. Vakoch discusses his awesome gig over at Astrobiology Magazine, and gives us a short primer on ET-outreach efforts, including the famed Pioneer probe plaques (above)  and the  Voyager Golden Records (below). So, how about it? What DO you say when you look at the data and realize: “It’s happened! Contact!” Literally mind-boggling.

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Ray Bradbury, 1920 – 2012

Ray Bradbury is gone.  The author who gave us The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Dandelion Wine and other marvelous, lyrical novels died in L.A. today. He was 91.

From the Official Ray Bradbury site:

“Throughout his life, Bradbury liked to recount the story of meeting a carnival magician, Mr. Electrico, in 1932. At the end of his performance Electrico reached out to the twelve-year-old Bradbury, touched the boy with his sword, and commanded, ‘Live forever!’ Bradbury later said, ‘I decided that was the greatest idea I had ever heard. I started writing every day. I never stopped.’”

Most stories about his death lionize Ray as a “one of our greatest science fiction authors,” or something similar. But Ray always insisted he was just barely an SF author at all, saying only Fahrenheit 451 was actual SF; the rest of his stuff, he says – and he should know – was fantasy, because SF is about things that could actually happen. Fantasy is… fantasy. And what fantasies they were. As a young reader, I consumed everything of his I could lay my hands on. Very sad to hear of his passing.

i09 has a short remembrance; and one of their readers posted a very fine, brief tribute, pulling images from some of Ray’s masterworks.

And, finally, from Dandelion Wine:

It was a quiet morning, the town covered over with darkness and at ease in bed. Summer gathered in the weather, the wind had the proper touch, the breathing of the world was long and warm and slow. You had only to rise, lean from your window, and know that this indeed was the first real time of freedom and living, this was the first morning of summer.”



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The coming andro-pocalypse. RUReady?



Robots. They’re already insinuating themselves into our lives in all sorts of sinister ways. They build our cars, fly  our airplanes, do a little cleaning. But  when they finally make their move and take over, you’ll wish you’d treated that little vacuuming ‘bot with   more deference.  It’s not too late to suck up, tho. Over at sfsignal, they’re smart enough to do a little kow-towing to our inevitable Rossum-ite overlords, with this little article about some recent well-tuned robo lit. Check out the link now. Before it’s too late

… I, Roomba..


… and there’s more wires-for-innards excellence over at, where else, Angry Robot Press. Dont’ worry. The anger is primarily directed at bigger issues than what we puny, squishy humans are up to.  Omega Point, by Guy Haley

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Space-Guy crashes the Big Apple party…

The New Yorker  takes a giant leap for geek-kind… and dedicates its entire Summer Fiction Issue to – can ya grok it? – science fiction!  The annual summertime fiction edition is eagerly awaited by chi-chi beach-goers everywhere, so this is a major coup for our little genre (for those who bother to keep score of who’s coup-ing who).  Numerous SF sites took note of the legendary mag’s bold act, and dutifully offered up their  assessments of “what it means…” At io9, and another take from Tor.


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Home is where the green-blood-pumping heart is…



Aliens invade the Earth! Humans mount heroic-but-hopeless resistance! The White House… vaporized!  It’s a time-honored SF scenario, stretching back to the genre’s puppyhood, with badness-from-the-skies like H.G. Wells’ venerable War of the Worlds. And, frankly, I’ve always been a sucker for it. In fact, when I was in grade school, my most vivid dreams had me alone, at night, somewhere on the shadowed streets of my little Minnesota hometown. Glimpsed through the trees some distance away, floating silently, moving slowly between the houses, just above the ground: huge, usually saucer-shaped craft, dark, except for a window glowing with dim, orange light.  Silhouetted in the window: something alive, unknowable…other. These weren’t scary dreams. They were THRILLING.   I wasn’t afraid of these guys. I wanted them to take me with them.

What prompted this little childhood reverie is news of what sounds like a great new alien invasion YA sci fi trilogy from a truly interesting author I discovered just last year. Rick Yancey’s The Fifth Wave series recently sold for big bucks to Putnam Books for Young Readers. Movie rights to GK Films and Tobey Maguire’s Material Pictures.  The story follows a teenage girl’s struggle to track down her brother after a particularly insidious sort of planet-wide alien occupation.  Yancey is clearly an author to watch – his previous books include the brilliantly spooky, darkly witty Monstrumologist novels (a Printz honor-winner) and the popular Alfred Kropp adventures.  I for one will be monitoring the ether for further publication news about The Fifth Wave, and will absolutely snap up the first installment in the trilogy soon as it lands.

I checked Yancey’s website and blog, but didn’t find mention of the new series. The book deal basics are at Publishers Weekly with the foreign rights angle at SFScope. (As you’ll notice at the PW site, it was apparently a very good week for science fictional book sales in general, with both Disney and Harper Collins also picking up SF books and paying in the six-figure range for the privilege….)

So, how about you? Fond of seeing the Earth fend off planet-scarfing no-goodniks?  Do you dream of spaceships hovering over your local town square?  Do you wish they’d take you with them when they leave??  Maybe it’s just me….


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