Author Archives: Christian
So, puny human, how do you measure up? Look upon these (prehistoric) works, and despair! (Or just enjoy. Your choice.)
And now: a fine, if rather pensive, video about a new-found bat-wing dinosaur. That is all.
Best-selling thriller guy is mad as Hell, will not be taking it anymore… and burns his French publisher re: lame cover art. Authors should learn from his example.
OK, got some basically inside-baseball book marketing stuff going on here. Topic: the cover imagery on an author’s hard won, sweated-blood-from-his/her-eyeballs new book. We all want our books to put their best book-foot forward, eh? Doesn’t always work out. … Continue reading
This next-door star system just MIGHT host a super-Earth under-ice hot-bed of alien life. So, huzzah!
Reading SF as a kid, I recalled Barnard’s Star being tagged as one of the closest local systems sporting alien civilization, or at least off-world life. Now, a couple of scientists posit that ol’ Barnard’s just might harbor some actual … Continue reading
Mars: A Lake-Less Desert No More!
SCIENCE Magazine reports the discovery of a pretty darn good-sized body of at least semi-liquid water under the Martian south polar region. Life at last?! Hold your exo-horses, space cadets…. Now, no doubt this qualifies as more shiny fresh, fascinating … Continue reading
Congratulations! It’s a planet! A giant, gassy, scorchin’ hot giant. And it has its mother’s glowing complection.
This is just more fabulous space-ery from the VLT (Very Large Telescope) at the Euro observatory complex down in Chile (photo swiped from Yeah, I’ve done title explorations for places like Disney & Warner Bros. The Euro folk shoulda … Continue reading
A short vid compiling (and discussing) the origins, impact and (oh yeah!) the epic weirdness of the under-appreciated art of Sci Fi Book Covers.
Listening in on a Gazillion Off-World Worlds? Yup. We’re goin’ there. (ie: The Breakthrough Initiative puts its money where its alien-tech-sniffing multibeam reciever is.)
The Breakthrough Initiative is widening its galactic reach. New Breakthrough-funded upgrades to the CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope (“Parkes”) in New South Wales, Australia, will now allow it to sort through up to 100 petabytes of raw data from stars in … Continue reading
Gadzooks! Run away! It’s the dreaded… hat-fright! Or, um… the fearsome Hound-plant. Or the… oh, wait… nevermind. It’s harmless.
What happens when you ask a recurrent neural net to cook up some wicked cool new D&D monster names? Hilarity, that’s what. Intrepid research scientist Janelle Shane from Boulder, Colorado had previously commanded her obedient little RNN to spew out … Continue reading
So, will we Earthers welcome our new alien overlords, run down the street naked & blithering, or what?
Pretty much every speculative narrative of humanity’s First Contact goes something like this: aliens, or evidence there-of, spotted. Military, government, scientific coven, etc. declare “Must keep this ever-so-top secret. Public will go hyperactive-ape-shit. Kill all the witnesses. Especially that annoying … Continue reading