Author Archives: Christian
Pythons in the park.
The guy with the baby bats nesting on his face? (as posted below). This is his Burmese python. Always friendly (the snake, that is.) And surprisingly heavy… He (the snake again) resides at the Witty Kitties Shelter near Solon, IA, … Continue reading
Yo! Anybody home?
Astrobiology Magazine reports that the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) boffins pulled off a first – and can now report back that the six-planet (minimum) solar system around the star Gliese 581 isn’t pumping out large-scale radio signals in our … Continue reading
NASA mission gets scrubbed. Metaphorically.
…and here’s a quick follow up article to the post yesterday (see below “NASA astronauts implore the god Apollo…”) about some students who heeded the call & staged their own little car-cleansing event to help NASA avoid moving back into mom & … Continue reading
NASA astronauts implore the god Apollo to save their funding….
Yup. It’s come to this: Today is the day for the National Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale OK, so it’s just a PR stunt. But the fact is, NASA’s budget is under an even bigger threat than lots … Continue reading
So, the explanation for this is….?
Well, it’s just that I know this guy and he put this on his FB page and so I had to post it. Yeah. Those are bats. And what’s equally fascinating, he’s had weirder stuff crawling on him – intentionally. … Continue reading
Excuse me, it’s for you. Long distance….
How will Earth respond when we receive our first message from an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization? We really don’t want to mess it up. Could be important. Fortunately, a guy with probably the coolest job description on the planet gets to … Continue reading
Ray Bradbury, 1920 – 2012
Ray Bradbury is gone. The author who gave us The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Dandelion Wine and other marvelous, lyrical novels died in L.A. today. He was 91. From the Official Ray Bradbury site: “Throughout his life, Bradbury … Continue reading
The coming andro-pocalypse. RUReady?
Robots. They’re already insinuating themselves into our lives in all sorts of sinister ways. They build our cars, fly our airplanes, do a little cleaning. But when they finally make their move and take over, you’ll wish you’d treated … Continue reading
Space-Guy crashes the Big Apple party…
The New Yorker takes a giant leap for geek-kind… and dedicates its entire Summer Fiction Issue to – can ya grok it? – science fiction! The annual summertime fiction edition is eagerly awaited by chi-chi beach-goers everywhere, so this is … Continue reading
Home is where the green-blood-pumping heart is…
Aliens invade the Earth! Humans mount heroic-but-hopeless resistance! The White House… vaporized! It’s a time-honored SF scenario, stretching back to the genre’s puppyhood, with badness-from-the-skies like H.G. Wells’ venerable War of the Worlds. And, frankly, I’ve always been … Continue reading