Category Archives: Space
NASA mission gets scrubbed. Metaphorically.
…and here’s a quick follow up article to the post yesterday (see below “NASA astronauts implore the god Apollo…”) about some students who heeded the call & staged their own little car-cleansing event to help NASA avoid moving back into mom & … Continue reading
NASA astronauts implore the god Apollo to save their funding….
Yup. It’s come to this: Today is the day for the National Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale OK, so it’s just a PR stunt. But the fact is, NASA’s budget is under an even bigger threat than lots … Continue reading
Excuse me, it’s for you. Long distance….
How will Earth respond when we receive our first message from an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization? We really don’t want to mess it up. Could be important. Fortunately, a guy with probably the coolest job description on the planet gets to … Continue reading