Category Archives: Films and filmmaking
Yabba dabba… duhhh…whaaat?
According to IMDB, I co-wrote “The Flintstones: A Page Right Out of History.” This… is news to me. Now, to be fair, I DID write the scripts for a number of H-B shows back in the way-back. But still, kinda … Continue reading
Passengers in this film get their wake-up call just a tad early…
The groggy, suspiciously attractive Passengers of this SFX extravaganza take us on a sort-of-world-ship, half-light-speed journey to a nearby star system with a habitable planet. Stasis for the travelers is the key, but things go pear-shaped when two of the ticket-holders wake up … Continue reading
Very good-to-simply-fab news for my fellow Strange Chemistry author, Gwenda Bond. Her recently published YA para-thriller Blackwood just got picked up for development by MTV via Kelsey Grammer’s production company. Couldn’ta happened to a cooler scribe. Check out the deal: MTV … Continue reading
Cast members of this show in it for the long run. Long as in pretty much forever.
A Dutch company has been formed to send volunteers to establish a settlement on Mars by the year 2023. The company’s recent press releases inform us that the colonists’ adventure would be filmed and broadcast back to Earth … Continue reading
Ridley’s SF Re-boot: Promethean… or what?
OK, first thing: Ridley Scott’s original Alien is one of my all-time favorite pieces of film-making, from the direction, to the script, to the casting, to the acting, to H. R. Giger’s uber-innovative art direction and genre-defining ship-and-alien-concepts/designs. The Nostromo was … Continue reading