Sure. I wrote a book. Fine. Great. Then I took a couple years or so to sweet-talk, cajole, threaten and finally choke-hold the thing into the kind of shape an agent would actually take the time to look at, then another few months for him to put it in front of the right publisher – which would be the one who was perceptive enough to snap it up, of course. If you’re setting out on a similar journey, this might be a good time to get some stuff off your chest, metaphorically speaking. Maybe you’re in the planning/plotting stage: are you an outliner type or seat-of-the-pantser? Writing the dreaded query letter? Submitting your first partial? If you’re like me, you wanna know how this stuff works. You want details. And so do the other writers who drop by this place. So, what’s YOUR story/question/rant/precautionary tale?